Saturday, May 31, 2008

My First Movie - The Audition

Following a lead from another actor. I scanned the website for any films being shot here in Michigan. Our governor had recently signed a large tax break package to lure production companies to our great state. So I felt that the timing was perfect.

It was on that website that I found a listing for the Independent Film "Harmless Thoughts".

Reading a short description of the film I was excited at the prospect. I researched the directors working on the project. Everything looked to me like something I would like to be a part of.

Not really expecting a response. I sent in a headshot and a brief note expressing my desire to work on this project. The next day the director sent me an email. They needed someone to play the role of "Male Homeowner". This character was required to do a fight scene and carry some dialogue.

Ok.... this I can do without a problem. Then he asked the cursory questions. No problem I thought, piece of cake.

Then came the question that brought me back down to reality. "Do you have any experience in film?"

I was floored... Could it be possible that I would be rejected because I didn't have any experience in front of the camera? I pondered this for a few hours. I recalled a quote from Bruce Campbell where he basically said. If you really want to be an actor just go out and do it. Thanks Bruce!!

So I answered the cursory questions first. Saving the best for last. I was honest and explained how I approached my training to become an actor. After I sent out the email I sat on pins and needles almost the whole time.

I looked at that email response sitting in my inbox for an awkward moment. Taking a big sigh I thought to myself this was the moment of truth. I was relieved when the director said that every actor has to start somewhere. I was still being considered for the part. What a relief!!

A few days later assurances came that I was still being considered for the role. The next time I heard from them it would be for the time and location for the audition.

I arrived early in costume for the part. Not knowing how traffic would be down near Detroit. I sat with my wife at the coffee house until the director and producer arrived. I listened in to their first meeting with the soon-to-be sound engineer.

When the interview was over. Being recognized from the headshot I was asked over to their table. The producer had to leave so it was just myself and the director. His demeanor was pleasant and friendly. I felt relaxed and confident during the audition.

When the producer came back. I was instructed by the director to speak a line to him as he came in the door. He looked shocked for a second before coming back with some improv of his own.

Sitting down next to the director. The producer and I were introduced before the director excused himself. We talked about the film for a few minutes before the director came back.

It was at that moment I was offered the role.

Words can't describe how I felt. My hands were shaking as my wife and I left the coffeehouse. My wife had been listening in and didn't understand why I suddenly began yelling at people. "You sounded so mean and hateful", she said.

We laughed and talked about it down the road at Wendy's over a burger and baked potato. On the way home she called everyone in her address book to tell them the good news.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Beginning

From a very young age I dreamed of becoming a real actor.

That dream was put on hold for a long time because of commitments and priorities. I never gave up on those aspirations. If it was meant to be, I told myself. The opportunity would present itself when I was ready.

Years turned into decades. The Internet became more sophisticated and I learned that movies weren't always filmed in Hollywood. DVDs began to include special features including behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and commentary. I began to study acting by studying the bonus materials. Friends, family and acquaintances became subjects of study. I tried to incorporate their mannerisms in perfecting various characters.

Now what I needed was experience acting in front of the camera. I was not so naive to think that a forty-something with no acting experience was going to get a paying role. What I needed to do was find Pro Bono acting jobs in Independent Film.

Unlucky for me I moved far away from the big cities. Growing up in rural Michigan, I never liked the hustle and bustle of city life. So when the opportunity to be in a movie presented itself. I jumped at the chance and endured the five hour drive to follow my dream.