Saturday, June 21, 2008

My First Movie - Post Production

So on Thursday June 12th the final scenes for "Harmless Thoughts" were filmed in downtown Utica. These required many extras. I posted the info beforehand at for anyone interested. I haven't asked, but I'm assuming they had a great turnout considering they had the blessing of the Mayor of Utica, Michigan where it was filmed.

Within days they had the trailer finished and posted on their Myspace Film page.

As independent films go. I have to say that the trailer was quite impressive. There are a few scenes in the trailer that really caught my eye artistically. I can't say for sure but I'd wager some money on this film winning at least some film festival awards.

Two frames and some audio from my fight scene made it into the trailer. You have to go frame by frame to see it. There is a scene where David, played by Randy Stetson, walks ahead of the group and takes off his glasses. Then you see Hailey, played by Mary Gibbs, running. Stop the trailer there. The next two frames after the white screen shows me tussling with Jeff Priskorn who plays Young Dale in the film. If you play the scene you can hear the audio of that fight.

My scenes are a bit more lengthly than that but it's a teaser trailer after all. I'm happy with it and as I've already said. It's quite impressive.

Now comes the hard part of waiting for premier night and hoping it does well. Unless something major happens, my next post on the film will be this fall after premier night.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lottery and Roulette

There is some information floating around on the internet about me and my past interest in creating gaming systems. Namely the "Sedertree Matrix Wheeling System™" and the "Reika Roulette System™".

In short. The personal, professional and financial reasons to leave the lottery community. Far outweighed my reasons for staying. I'm much happier without all of that drama in my life.

I'm not going into any more detail than that.

Friday, June 6, 2008

My First Movie - Production

I was pretty concerned that for weeks before shooting started. A location for my fight scene wasn't nailed down yet. Voicing my concerns first to Gary, and then Megan, the 2nd Assistant Director, once filming began. Only brought reassurances everything was going to be alright.

So I waited, and waited..... Twenty-four hours before shooting comes and goes with still no word on the location. An email to my scene co-star, Kate Mcglynn, reveals she hasn't heard anything either.

What no one is aware of, is that I live five hours away from Detroit. I recently switched to third shift at work and had to take two vacation days instead of one. I have spent $400 in gas at this point for the audition and pre-production meeting. I've got a lot invested here and am prepared to invest more to be in this film.

I begin to prepare myself for the worst case scenario. That possible scenario being that they decided to cut my scene from the movie.

One final email to Megan. "I have to know the location for our shoot by close of business today." I said. Knowing that if I don't hear anything I will be canceling my vacation and going to work instead.

I am relieved and apprehensive to get an email from Gary with the message to call him ASAP. When I do reach him it is good news. We have a location (his house) and he gives me the address. The filming is pushed back two hours because, so far, they have been shooting ahead of schedule. Sweet!!

Even after getting a little lost. I still find the location an hour and a half early. I do a drive by and turn around at the end of the street. I drive by once again before heading out to the main road to find somewhere to kill some time.

A half hour of sitting in my truck at the gas station reading the script and I'm like, "Screw This!"

I pull in and Gary is there bringing out equipment. We talk while he is setting up the camera. He was going to film on the back porch but decided instead to shoot our scene at the front door and yard.

He wants to use my truck in the scenes because it "Looks like a vehicle my character would drive." He has a point given the other vehicles that show up driven by other cast and crew.

Cast and crew arrive on time. We all know that the script will be played pretty loose. There will be a lot of emotion and anger so there will be a lot of improv to "keep it real". Just remember to stay in character and "just go with it."

The one line, and the first one uttered by my character, that is insisted on reads "How's it going chief?" I'm surprised to find out that my character says this in an extremely agitated and angry state. Reading the script, I envisioned a buildup up anger leading to the eventual fight scene.

In my experience, that line "How's it going chief?". In real life is never spoken in anger. It is usually reserved as a friendly greeting between strangers of the male persuasion.

They wanted me to come to the door ready to kick ass and take names. So I tried, and tried, and tried to get that line to come out like they wanted. After some coaching I think I nailed it and the scene was wrapped. We'll see how it looks on film.

The next scene was the actual fight scene.

Already pumped up from the first scene. I knew what was to be expected. A quick rehearsal had the neighbors dogs howling. Several angles, A motion cam, some closeups and an audio take later and my scenes were filmed.

I stayed around partly because my truck was still needed for continuity. I also wanted to watch them film the rest of the scenes. They mentioned watching the playback later. I forgot about it and left before getting to watch.

Gary told me in an email shortly afterwards that the scenes came out better than expected. No pickups (re-shoots) were necessary for any of the scenes I was involved in.

Cool, now I can get my yearly haircut.

In hindsight there were ideas floating around on set that didn't make it onto film. Everything went so fast that no one ever stopped to say, "Let's try it doing this or saying that." I guess it just "worked" the way it went down.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My First Movie - Pre Production

Script, Contact Sheets for Cast and Crew, Shooting Schedule and a welcome letter from the Executive Producer were emailed to everyone working on the project.

A mandatory pre-production meeting was scheduled at a community college near Detroit. I almost didn't make it because the exact location had been pending. I ended up calling one of the lead actors for the info.

Morning traffic and road construction slowed my commute. I arrived with less than ten minutes to spare. The Producer saw me walk in. He called me over and directed me to the meeting.

Almost everyone was there and we began almost on time. Contracts were passed out for everyone to fill out, sign and turn in. The Executive Producer was the first to speak.

Paul Mentier of Sparkling Frog Media LLC came across as a man driven by his work in film. He had many good things to say about the Director and Producer. More importantly he was as excited about making this movie as I was.

Next was Gary Bosek the Director/Co-Director. Gary is probably the most optimistic guy I've ever met. He is very genuine and friendly. He introduced everyone at the meeting and had a good word to say about all who were in attendance.

When he got to me a few giggles broke out when he described the fight scene. Jeff Priskorn, the actor I'm supposed to fight. Is sitting across the room with his wife and co-star, Jacquie Floyd. In character I looked over and nodded to Jeff. Now I didn't catch exactly what she said but the jist of it was to go easy on her man. The giggles turned into laughter and I couldn't help but to smile.

Then Producer and Co-Director Jon Janosko had his turn to speak about the plot of the film. Now Jon is a person that when he speaks you can actually hear the gears of creativity turning in his head. He is methodical, precise and when he's not thinking and talking at the same time. He's approachable and laid back.

The meeting concluded and I had some words with Gary and Jon about the script. They assured me everything would work out on the day of filming and it "Was going to be fun".

I left feeling a little apprehensive about the whole "fun" thing. I'm an actor who has mostly studied drama. I can be funny, don't get me wrong. My one-liners leave my friends, family and co-workers busting a gut.

My feeling from reading the script was that this was going to be a psychological thriller. How do you have fun with this genre?

Little did I know how fun it was going to be.