Sunday, August 10, 2008

Miss January

It's been a little over a month since I've updated my blog. My wife and I separated recently and it's been a tough time for me personally. I remain optimistic that everything will be ok in the long run.

Last Friday I spent another $160 in gas to make the pilgrimage to Detroit. This time it was for an audition for the movie "Miss January". A movie based on the 1970's porn industry starring Kim Cattrell and Brian Dennehy.

How did I do? Well, I didn't do as well as I would have liked to. I had the two lines memorized as I walked into the audition room. I only had five minutes to do so as I was the second person to be called.

Somehow between talking to the casting director and introducing myself and my character to the camera. The second line I was supposed to read decided to take a ten second hiatus from my memory. Ten seconds doesn't seem like a very long time, but when you're on the spot it seems to take an eternity.

They also didn't tell me where they wanted me to look as I read my lines. So in hindsight I may have looked too far away from the camera. Not my fault since the casting director should have given me direction.

Well it's over now. "Back to reality" as Eminem says in "8 Mile". That song played over and over in my head as I endured the long drive home. Discouraging.... Yes. Am I giving up my dream of being a successful actor? Not a chance.

Callbacks are going to be by the end of this week. Whether I get the part or not they will let me know. I'm setting my expectations very low.

On a brighter note I drove through my old hometown on the way back to my place. I stopped in to see an old friend Travis Miller from highschool. He runs a large farm and feedstore. It was great seeing him after all these years. We're getting old. He's just as grey as I am. He said he had been having a bad day. I hope my visit cheered him up a bit.

I like to think that everything that happens to us in life. Happens for a reason.